Devi Smart

Update went well, no issues.

Amazing! Itā€™s works!. Great job.

But I have one problem. How to show temperature of air, not floor. When I add climate, I see temperature of floor.

Can I change it? I didnā€™t find where.

Thank you.

Target temperature displayed based on
sensor.xxxxxx_sys_info_regulation_type value.

option1: Change regulation_type in thermostat config
option2: Overwrite thermostat template.

  1. Copy auto-discovery-templates folder from GitHub - bob-tm/ha-devi-mqtt: Home Assistant Danfoss DeviReg MQTT addon to addon config folder
  2. Edit \192.168.x.x\addon_configs\xxxx_devismart-mqtt\auto-discovery-templates\climate_thermostat.json
  3. Look at current_temperature_topic. Replace temperature_current with temperature_room
  4. auto-discovery-templates in config folder has more priority over build in one. It will not be updated with addon update.
  5. Restart addon. (I think itā€™s enough. If itā€™s not work - delete mqtt device and restart addon again)

Just for feedback.
Did you generate config file using addon and docker commands or with jar file?


option1: I donā€™t know how to do it
option2: unnecessarily complicated

I solved it so far with this plugin. I like that it is smaller than the classic thermostat card in HA.I solved it so far with this plugin. I like that it is smaller than the classic thermostat card in HA.
It is possible to select the display of different values ā€‹ā€‹and that suits me

Where can I send a contribution / buy coffee?

@Qa23 , I had the same problem, I reached 10 users in Android Devi app and could not remove user to free up. My wife has an Iphone and IOS Devi app, removing users worked fine. So that is one work around if you have access to someones Iphone :slight_smile:

Thank you for the detailed instruction. But still this noob cannot install this. I think I have correctly installed java (running windows 7(!)), but iā€™m lost at
" * Run the discovery:

  • java -cp ha-devi-mqtt.jar io.homeassistant.devi.mqtt.service.DiscoveryService"
    How to do this on a win7 machine? Or is there a newer way?

option1: replace java with full windows java path. something like c:\program files\java\java.exe -cp ha-devi-mqtt.jar io.homeassistant.devi.mqtt.service.DiscoveryService
(I never use java on windows, you should find your correct path :slight_smile: )

option2: try to generate config inside addon.
Addon Docs, Method 1

Method1: Inside addon, experemental - SUCCESS

Just tested on HaOS via Proxmox VM (Intel)

The more I can say - Iā€™ve succeeded using iOS Devi app, but had to repeat ā€œsharingā€ few time in app.
Will try to migrate from my OpenHab Homekit integration so now.

The only thing i needed to change in Add-on Config just my Mosquito adress for HA: core-mosquitto instead of localhost

Thank you for the instructions, Java and I donā€™t seem to work together :smile:

With option 2, everything goes good until the deviMQTT restarts.
Log says:
Config Exists!
20:36:36.887 [main] INFO i.h.devi.mqtt.service.ConsoleRunner - Starting exporter service
Unable to connect to server (32103) - Connection refused
at org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.internal.TCPNetworkModule.start(
at org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.internal.ClientComms$
at java.base/
Caused by: Connection refused
at java.base/ Method)
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
at org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.internal.TCPNetworkModule.start(

Config is found which is good, but I cannot find the devi-devices anywhere and the the DevismartMQTT is giving these errors again and again on a loop

Your problems seems similar, try set ā€œ core-mosquittoā€ as address of mqtt in addon config. Log/pass also should be correct.

Maybe itā€™s possible to change HA related Thermostat entities formed with MQTT?

For now we have OFF and HEAT mode with PRESETS and Target/Current temperatures.

But if adjust Modes like
In HA - on Devi:

And use for Current Heating-Cooling State of thermostat - Deviā€™s ā€œbinary_sensor.devireg_[name]_binary_sensor_heating_stateā€

It would be possible to easy pass it to HomeKit and so on for easy control and usage.

Thank you very much, now everything working as intended!!!

Many thanks also to everyone who has made this possible. I donā€™t understand why Devi themselves donā€™t make this possible, but gladly there is a workaround.

Iā€™ll write down my process quoting the instructions linked by Qa23 in case it helps someone who is struggling like I was :slight_smile:

First install Mosquitto MQTT :

  1. Start Devismart MQTT addon. Check logs for message (devi_config.json not found. Running in waiting mode)
    Install Devismart MQTT from ha-devireg-mqtt-addon/devismart-mqtt/ at 3f28d818b6a6eb511e7fa7d606f094e9c3f3fbbc Ā· bob-tm/ha-devireg-mqtt-addon Ā· GitHub. Change host to ā€œcore-mosquittoā€ and add user and password.
  2. Install and Run Advanced SSH & Web Terminal GitHub - hassio-addons/addon-ssh: Advanced SSH & Web Terminal - Home Assistant Community Add-ons
  3. Disable Protection mode Advanced SSH & Web Terminal (remember to reboot)
  4. Click Open Web UI for Advanced SSH & Web Terminal
  5. Enter in terminal docker container ls -a | awk 'NR>1 {print $1, $2}' | grep 'devismart-mqtt'
  6. Look for CONTAINER ID for devismart-mqtt. Looks like 4b9fa34ad83e
  7. Replace 4b9fa34ad83e with your id and Run docker exec -it 4b9fa34ad83e /
  8. Foloow instructions on screen. devi_config.json should be saved to addon config folder.
    In this step there was instructions inside SSH. The code from mobile app is inputted without ā€œ-ā€ -marks, so only numbers. I chose to give permission to delete thermostats when asked before creating the code. Took couple of tries but then it worked. And wait, at least for me this step took quite long. Finally there is a message that the config is added or something similar.
  9. Restart Devismart MQTT addon.
  10. Check addon logs for message (Config Exists!) or list of autodiscovered items.
  11. Go to MQTT Integration and check for Devi devices!

Thank you @Qa23 and @AnttiKortesoja, I recently purchased a DEVIreg Smart thermostat and itā€™s fantastic to be able to integrate it into Home Assistant :smile:. I followed the instructions above and it is all working fine. Thanks again :+1:.

I too would like to add my thanks to everyone who has helped get this working, Iā€™ve followed the instructions and now have access to my thermostat. Many thanks.

What an amazing effort indeed. Thank you! One thing Iā€™m not sure I understand yet (I scanned the post but wasnā€™t sure) is: can you make it restart automatically when the RPI / HA restarts?

Slightly off-topic and specifically related to the DEVIreg Smart device and its cloud service.

First of all, ping times to the thermostat on the local network are relatively high at 81ms (avg over 30 packets, maximum 361ms) compared to other wireless devices on the same network at 3ms (avg over 30 packets, maximum 15ms), which I find a bit suspicious. Also, most of the time, the thermostatā€™s connection to the cloud service is highly volatile, with it connecting and disconnecting every few seconds (see ā€œsensor_cloud_connectedā€ entity). This is evident on my firewall with many connections in the ā€˜closingā€™ state. However, sometimes it stays connected for a while, without any issues.

This is with the thermostat hanging off the wall, so not in the back box, and the signal strength is decent at -57db. I have a Shelly Plus 1PM device quite close to it, with a similar signal strength, and I have no issues with that device at all, so my suspicion is that there might be something wrong with my thermostat.

I have ordered a second thermostat for the other bathroom, so Iā€™ll be able to compare results shortly, but I was wondering what experiences are from other DEVIreg Smart users?