Afternoon All,
Firstly I appreciate what I’m about to suggest / request is viable through custom ui, I just think it might be easier for beginners and more user friendly if we had a device class template. I for one cannot get my head round the custom ui configuration on HASSIO.
What I propose is to have “device class template” that can be used something like this:
- plateform: template
friendlyname: "Washing Machine"
on_value: "Running"
off_value: "Ready For Load"
icon: mdi:washing-machine
friendlyname: "Freezer"
on_value: "Freezer Okay"
off_value: "Check Door"
icon: mdi:fridge
device_class: washingmachine
#Takes on state and reports "Running", changes icon to yellow (as per normal device_class)
device_class: freezer
#Takes on state and reports "Check Door", changes icon to yellow (as per normal device_class)
I know we have a few options for device_class but it would be nice to be able to quickly implement our own custom ones as above.
The changing to yellow makes all the difference for me as it’s a nice quick visual check.