Device connection to all ZigBee devices lost after 1 or 2 days

Im using HA 116.3 and ZigBee2MQTT with a cc2531 stick.
Since HA 114, HA looses the connection to all ZigBee devices after about 1 or 2 days.
The are no errors logged in the ZigBee2MQTT log or the system log.
After a reboot everything is working again.
I have changed the CC2531 stick to a new one, but its the same.
I really need some advices where to search.

Hi same here. The zigbee2mqtt Server ist working. I can use and control it with node-red without problems.
But HA lost all connections. Reboot of HA & MQTT does´nt fix it. When I reboot the zigbee2mqtt Server all autodiscover information transfered , and it is working for 3 to 36 hours. Then I have to reboot it again.

Crazy : When the HA Server lost the connection and I pick the date in node-red via mqtt and sending the command via HA, it is working. For me it looks like HA lost the auto discover data.

Do You run your HA installation in a VM?
Today i had another connection loss.
I think it has something to do with the VM to USB connection.
It seems my VM looses the connection to the usb stick i have mapped to the VM.
Actually i run VMWare ESXi 7.

Same problem here! I am loosing all Zigbee devices from time to time. Any hints?