Device Energy Monitoring

Looking for a cheap way of monitoring the energy of home appliances. I have no requirement for smart control of the devices, I’m just looking to get the power usage into HA.

Is there an ESP solution? Or a cheap smart plug (UK) that has energy monitoring.

What is available?

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try Home assistant glow GitHub - klaasnicolaas/home-assistant-glow: ⚡ The power of energy measurements in your house not tried it but it should work. I use similar sensors with Tasmota on a d1 mini

Thanks - I already have my Grid usage monitored via one of these: CAD for SMETS1 Smart Meters – Glow from Hildebrand ( I’m now looking to monitor the usage of individual appliances within the house. E.g. tumble dryer, dishwasher, etc.

I mainly use these methods:

· Sonoff with Tasmota for a special control of some household appliances (SONOFF POWR2- WiFi Smart light switch to monitor home energy usage)

· ESPHome + PZEM-004T V3 meter to measure the total consumption of my house. (Non-Invasive Energy Monitor with PZEM and ESPHome - danimart1991’s Blog)

Shelly devices?