How can I get these into HA?
Is there a Master List of devices online that I can search that includes a list of the sensors that I can compare products to purchase a compatible Zigbee product?
By “compatible”, I assume you mean a Zigbee switch that will do the same thing. There doesn’t seem to be an integration for yours.
Depends which Zigbee integration you’re using. If it’s Z2M, they have a list of supported products:
For each one there should be a list of the entities “exposed” by the handler.
ZHA is the other way round - the integration supports any device that complies with the Zigbee protocol, so you can only search for devices it is known not to support, because they don’t. A good place to start is the GitHub device handlers page:
If you go to Issues you can see which devices are problematic and whether they custom handlers have been created or not.
There is a database of Zigbee products:
It doesn’t go into much detail and all the information is submitted by users, so you need to double-check elsewhere (here on the forum, for example) before you buy.
Edit: Some companies are better than others when it comes to providing information. Frient, for example, are pretty much unique in that they provide a compatibility table:
There are would-be smart home databases popping up all the time. Just stumbled across this one for example: