I’m often having issues where the device_tracker is showing devices, such as mine or my wife’s phone as “home” even though both of us are away. Not sure how to resolve this as it messing with my security automations…
This may be a separate issue from what jobe has. The iPhones turn off their wifi radio to save battery when not actively being used and therefor do not appear “home” if not actively being used.
Check the device tracker component page for adding the “consider home” function which provides a time setting to consider the device “home” even is its not connected to try and avoid this issue.
Strangely enough, my wife and I both have a 6s, yet hers dropped out very quickly while mine stayed connected. Both were face down and not in use. Not sure what settings one of us tweaked to cause the difference.
Did anyone open a bug report for this? Similar issue here using SNMP and only iPhones are affected. All Android devices report their presence correctly. The last occurrence was corrected only after removing the device from the know_devices file and letting HASS rediscover it.
This just started happening to me on 0.60. Anyone else experiencing this issue where one device_tracker says it’s home when it’s not? I am using Linksys combined with iOS tracking. When iOS updates, the device properly shows away, then instantly goes back to “home” as it seems the router takes over again and reports it there when it’s not on the network.
I am currently facing the same issue. Both iPhones from my girlfriend and me are showing up as being home. Although they are not connected to the WIFI. The other devices I track on my network are reported correctly. I am using the FRITZ!Box component to track the devices.
For me. I have 2 device tracker for the same iphone. 1st from owntracks and 2nd from iphone itself.
in known_device. I left blank for mac address from iphone itself. and put mac address for owntracks.
I found that the updated one and correct one is owntracks which show immediately I’m home or not home and also with correct zone. For iphone themself they might check my location every 30 mins, with this cause although you already left or reach home they still show differently.
So for my phone, I use mainly from owntracks.
For other devices that actually don’t have owntracks install I use router and nmap which will only show home or not_home (I used this to check the devices status whether they are on or off).
one more thing for the router. to discover devices once they discovered. they normally remember your mac address for at least 1 day or depend on your setting in the router.
I use nmap to check the devices online offline status to show home or not_home more often. This also will track my phone but they don’t works with zone.