Dialogflow API V2 has officially launched. It is now the default API for all new Dialogflow agents and all new features will only be released on V2.
i am on debug now on version V2, and have some error on responses
Webhook call failed. Error: Failed to parse webhook JSON response: Cannot find field: displayText in message google.cloud.dialogflow.v2.WebhookResponse.
I have just got an email: Action required: Migrate to Dialogflow API V2
Today, we are announcing that API V1 will be shut down in one year – on October 23rd, 2019. All API calls to API V1 endpoint will be rejected after this date. If your production agent is currently using API V1, it must be migrated before this date.
Can you please put it on the roadmap to upgrade the Dialogflow support to API V2? Thanks!
Any news about this? I know we have till October but still was wondering if this will be updated.
Any thoughts on whether or not this feature get updated to V2. Ynot.
Same issue for me and Iwas stupid enough to update all my DF projects to 2.0 and now Google will not let me create new v1 projects.
Guys, any news on this? Emails started coming about the shutdown of v1.
Bump… Are there any plans to update the DF interface to support DF V2 api. Support for V1 format will be ending very soon. @petro
Looks like it will be in a future release. https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/pull/25975
Good news will do some testing when available.