My logs have hundreds of this warning. I have looked through my code and cannot find the source.
Does anyone have a recommendation on where to look to troubleshoot this?
WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable warning: ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘POWER’ when rendering ‘{{value_json.POWER}}’
Considering the source is listed as homeassistant.helpers.template it shouldn’t be that hard to track down, it has to be in configuration.yaml or at least somewhere linked from there if you’ve broken template entities out into separate files…?
All of this is hazy from years ago. I recall setting up mqtt manually as the integration did not exist back then. But I have only one mqtt device (out of 6 in my system) in my configuration file now.
The other 5 devices, I am guessing were deleted from my config file when the MQTT integration came along. I am not sure.
Each of those Tasmota devices could have a ‘power1’ and ‘power2’ value template, not ‘power’. And indeed, the MQTT diagnostics discovery_data shows device 1 has a value_template only for ‘power’. The others are correct.
I deleted device 1 from the integration, and no more error messages.
The automations still work, because I don’t need any of those published values.
When I try to add the device back via the MQTT integration, HASS pops up a window stating:
Already configured. Only a single configuration possible.
I assume I would need to add the device to my config file. If my automations work though, is this needed? Can I just ignore it. And maybe delete the other 4 listed in the integration? The answer to these questions might depend on OCD levels.
The error message is even more confusing considering that yesterday when trying to add a device, it listed a possible device that I removed about a year or more ago from my system (replaced with a z-wave device). There is something lurking in HASS that I cannot see. Maybe all of the skeletons of dead ideas and and ghosts of bad implementations.