Hi guys. I have 2 zwave switches and 1 pir sensor, with 1 aeotec gen 5 zstick. I also have 1 RPI3 running AOI HASS 0.48.1 and another running AOI HASS 0.39.3. When the zstick is on the 0.39.3 RPI, everything seems to run OK. When I move the zstick to the 0.48.1 RPI, the switches go (randomly, it seems) to ‘dead’ status. Is there a way to compare OZW steup differences between the 2 RPIs?
Are you aware of the Zwave breaking changes? They happened in an earlier release but became the default behavior in 48.
Thanks for the article. This change would be an issue if I was copying the config.yaml file from one machine to the other, though, right? The entity names I’m using in the config file are different for each RPI.
Also, would entity IDs affect the status going from ‘ready’ to ‘dead’ and vice-versa?
The entity_id changed regardless. You might see dead because the old entity_id no longer exists. You will need to go through and rename all your IDs and change automations, scripts etc. You can rename them to much friendlier names. kitchen_light etc. It will make your life easier going forward.
Right, that is what I mean when I say that the config.yaml files are different. Each file has the ID recognized by OZW on each RPI.
Any ideas on what could be causing the change in status?
The Zwave pairing for the devices is stored in the stick. When you rename the ids in the 48 device, the friendlier names are stored in the zwcfg_xxx.xml file. If it were me, I would copy the old configuration folder contents to the new install (don’t include the deps folder or tts), and make the device id changes. I would also consider updating to the most current version of HA. You can rename the entiry_id from the Zwave left side menu.
Renamed devices using zwave control panel. New names shows in ‘developer tools/states’, but still having the issue of devices going to ‘dead’ status. Next step is to flash SD card with latest HASS and try again. But I’m not happy that couldn’t find root cause.
you might want to reboot a couple of times. do a Zwave heal
Also, do an update if you haven’t already.
Tried that a few times. After heal and reboot devices show ‘ready’, but go to ‘dead’ (randomly) after a while. Also, one of the switches goes to ‘dead’ if I toggle it from ‘on’ to ‘off’ (or vice-versa) from the HA GUI. None of this happens with the 0.39.3 install.
Since Zwave is a mesh network it really benefits from having more devices. Battery devices can’t work as repeaters but do take advantage of multiple neighbors to relay signals. You now have your devices renamed so removing and repairing them won’t take much time.
Yeah. Update is next thing, but I still don’t like that I can’t figure out root cause.
But, if it were a mesh issue, I should be experiencing the same problems with 0.39.3 and I am not. The problem is only with 0.48.1.
Just updated to latest HA version. Same issue. Devices are going to ‘dead’ status; however, all works well on the RPI that is still running 0.39.3.
I am not saying this is a mesh issue at all, just that with so few devices there isn’t much to talk to and in general, a Zwave network will get stronger as you add more devices. My Zwave network became far more reliable as I added more devices. I no longer experience dead devices. I understand the frustration with not being able to find the cause of an issue but will say the problem isn’t with .48.1 or .50.2. If it were me, I would update, remove and re-pair those devices.
Yeah, I’m working on that now. Already upgraded to latest HA. Reading zwave documentation on HA site I saw that it is recommended to add devices using HA zwave control panel (instead of zstick button); so I’m about to do that. Hopefully that solves the issue. Will update the thread if it does.
Good luck.
Thanks. But it didn’t work. Updated RPI3 to latest HA; did factory reset of the zstick and swtiches; added switches using zwave control panel on HA; renamed switches from zwave control panel. On HA ‘states’ screen both switches show ‘ready’, but after a couple minutes one goes to ‘dead’.
I tried with different RPI3 using same SD card and zstick and get same issue.
The only line I have in ‘configuration.yaml’ for zwave is:
usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0
(I’ve confirmed that this is the right USB port)
Am I missing something in the configuration file?
What brand and model of switch? How far apart are your devices? Start a heal.