Differences between Xiaomi/Aqara door sensors Gen1/2


As I’m just deciding between multiple door sensors I’m just wondering what the exact technical differences are between the two Xiamoi/Aqara door sensors Gen1/2, namely MCCGQ01LM vs MCCGQ11LM? I couldn’t find anything surprisingly. Is it really just another name and case? But why then Gen 1/2?
The zigbee2MQTT docs also differ not that much.

Of course, any experiences with different behaviors in terms of integration into z2m/HA would be interesting, too.

I have both versions. In the name of science I pulled 2 apart. It appears your assumptions are correct. They appear to me to be the same board, different case. I use a Xiaomi Gateway, so can’t comment on z2m, but with the gateway there is zero connectivty issues.

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After uploading I do notice a difference in some spots. Tried taking some better pics before putting them back.

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Awesome! Thanks for the effort.
My brother - who has significantly more experience and education in the hardware area - took a look on the pictures and said, that the changes are probably just to fix small bugs and improve RF-compatibility in more countries. But that’s obviously hypothetic and the firmware can still differ of course.

So anybody with more experiences would be appreciated.