Hi all,
I am just starting to understand HA and I am slowly moving all my lights from Hue to the Zigbee dongle.
As part of that migration I am trying to build scenes.
I am attempting to create a scene button on my dashboard that once pressed:
Switches on all my lights in the bedroom at a predefined color and brightness
Dims over a period of 10 minutes to off.
I am nog having any luck in the Scenes Visual Editor, so I am looking for another solution (yaml/node-red). It is however not easy to find the right search words, so I cannot find any examples.
Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
Of you want to go both steps on a single button press, I think, you cannot use scenes for that, because they allow only one command for each entity. So, you can either turn lights on; or off. You’ll have to create a script for that.
BTW. I have changed most of my scenes to scripts, because I would run into one limitation or the other. It’s not much more configuration and much more flexible. You can even call the manual scene.apply service from your scripts.
You might actually want to use scene.apply for that.
Add second trigger
That will be just that: adding a second trigger to your automation. I believe, there is a new option to add a condition to that new trigger. If not, you’ll have to add some clever condition logic.
This would mean you turn on the lights and immediately turn off again.
I guess it’s kind of a smooth staircase lighting? In that case, you could also add a short delay before starting to dim immediately.
@pedolsky: You are correct. It is a sleep routine. When we decide to go to bed, I press the sleep routine button. It will turn on the lights in the bedroom and over a period of 10 - 15 minutes the lights slowly dim until out.
@akloeckner: Thanks, that is all very helpful. I like the delay option you mentioned. That way I can have the lights on for 10 minutes and over a period of 5 slowly dim until completely off.