Dim smart light over mqtt via a non physically connected smart dimmer switch

Hello HA community. I’m hoping for some help with a project I’m doing for my new home.
I recently purchased some Treatlife dimmer switches which I have flashed with Tasmota firmware and now work over MQTT. I am able to turn a smart light which is not physically connected on and off but I’m looking for some added functionality.

I’m trying to figure out how to:

  1. Dim a smart light bulb over mqtt (light is not physically connected to the dimmer switch).
  2. Match a second dimmer switch to the first dimmer switch (and vis versa kind of like a US 3-way configuration) over mqtt. This way I can use either of the 2 dimmer switches to increase/decrease the brightness of the smart light and the dimmer switches will always be at the same brightness value.

I’m not sure if what I’m looking to do is possible or not. I’ve seen reference to templates and template sensors but I’m not really sure where to begin with those.

Did you ever find an answer to this?

Its been awhile since I posted this and I have moved from that house to another. I think I did find a workable solution but not through Home Assistant. I watched some videos created by digiblurDIY which used Tasmota rules to do what I needed.

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