Dimmer to wled Template

I am trying to better learn templating as autmotion and would like to accomplish the following:

  • Entity zwave dimmer switch dim_1 provides brightness level based on its state

  • Entity wled light light.wled1 is then set to the same brightness level as the dimmer (as a percent) so 100%=full brightness (255 for wled) and 50%=half brightness (127 for wled).

Thank you in advance

Few questions.

  • what have you tried?
  • how does the dimmer work? Full 0-100 slider or buttons/step_increments?
  • how are you handling on/off?

The dimmer is a paddle switch and have not programmed anything yet other than controlling on-off of wled direct from HA.

And does the paddle switch provide events or does HA report a state when it is pressed?

It shows state (brightness) as a level between 0-255.

My WLED works with 0-255 brightness values ok.

Will have to see how you’ve tried it to see where it might have gone wrong.