Direct pairing from "scene controller" to inline switches / dimmers?

My kitchen/utility room/garden lights are controlled by LightWaveRF, connected to HA via a RFXTRX433 dongle attached to a Vera hub. This has been surprisingly resilient, but with the downside that it is one way communication only - HA’s view of what’s on/off is never guaranteed to be correct. I’d been meaning to move the lighting to Zigbee for a while and this has been now made more urgent by the failure of the inline switch controlling my wall cabinet lighting.

The LWRF setup has wireless wall switches/scene controllers paired directly with the relevant inline dimmers/switches, so turning on the light from the wall still works even if the hub is unavailable. I also have a remote control that does the same thing. I’d like to keep that functionality as I don’t think it would be acceptable for a light not to turn on because I’m rebooting my HA box or it has an issue. I believe this is possible with Zigbee scene controllers like this Megaman Ingenium one - I assume that’s what’s meant by

“* Retain control to INGENIUM ® ZB light sources and dimming modules when wifi / gateway is out of service”

My plan is to replace my inline failed switch with a sonoff zbmini, and the inline dimmer modules with something like these.

Can anyone confirm that this works as I expect? Anything I should be aware of?

EDIT - I see “binding” is the correct terminology