Direct (unwanted) Zigbee Communications?


I got a very weird issue and I can’t fix it. I have a Sonoff SA-029 Zigbee Plug as well as a Ikea Tradfri 5 Button remote (the round ones)

Both are joined into my homeassistant Zigbee Network and work great, but I found out some days ago - whenever I click the middle button on the remote (On/Off) the Plug is triggered.

I treid to reset both, checked all automations and can’t find anything. Even temporary disabling the Zigbee Integration in Homeassistant doesn’t help. Seems they are directly communicating. I’m puzzled and have no idea how to stop that.

Ideas anyone?

Do they have a binding between them?

I don’t think so and I don’t know how I would’ve created this.

When I googled factory reset I just found how to pair them so I paired it again to HA

Someone can correct me but I believe mains powered devices on Zigbee networks will act as a “router” of sorts to help with the mesh.

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Not all. MOST. It’s not a certification requirement and some vendors (notably Sengled) choose not to make thier bulbs routers (because en’s users have a tendancy to cut power to the bulb negatively affecting the mesh.)

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These ikea devices, for whatever reason, automatically bind to a group when first included. This binding causes direct communication with other devices.

Zigbee2mqtt has directions to “unbind”, but not sure how to do that with ZHA. The linked instructions might help though.

This link has the zha documentation on binding


being a router or not has nothing to do, with what I described. But Tim was on point It was as easy as going into the Zigbee integration - choose the sonoff Plug and hit “unbind” - Problem solved! Thank you

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