Is it possible to disable any control in the UI? Like enable/disable for wxpython, winforms, or wpf. I couldn’t find anything about it, so I’m guessing its not possible. Just checking at this point.
im sorry i dont understand what you mean by “control”
Any UI element: Input_boolean, Switch/light, Scripts “Activate” button, Input_select. Pretty much anything that controls a device. It’s pretty common for any UI elements.
An example of this would be when you already saved a document in a software package, the save button will turn gray. The button will be unusable until a change is made, then the button comes back to life. This typically done with button.enable = True/False in code.
no i cant think of a way to disable an entity.
and with the way HA is setup it would bring anything i think.
if you edit your config to delete an entity by putting a # for all lines or if you set another setting from true to false, both would have a need to restart HA.
you can however hide an entity and let it come back.
Thanks, how do you go about hiding things? There a doc?
hidden is an atrribute that can be set to true or false.
you can find out about it in the customize section if i am correct.