Disable map to some users

Hi, I want to disable/hide some component to some users. For this reason, I’m using a nginx proxy, in order to drop some HTTP(s) request (like settings). I’m not able to block the map: I mean that user is blocked when it type the direct URL (host:port/map), but it can reach the map using lateral menu of the “website”.

I suspect that map is loaded using also websockets/socks. because I don’t see http requests on fiddler, in order to load data about markers(=users). I’d like to block at least markers(entire map is better). Can you tell me which HTTP request should I block?

thank you,


have you found a solution for this? I’m in the same position you were

I don’t need anymore.

I think that now you can create a custom dashboard with the map, showing it only to admin users (see https://www.home-assistant.io/lovelace/dashboards-and-views/#require_admin )