Hi All,
First post here from down under! Long time Lurker and very grateful for all the dedication and help from the HA community!
Just a quick one I was working on tonight. I couldnt find another thread that did what I was looking for so i fumbled my way through an automation and I think I have it down… feel free to correct me if I dont or if there was an easier way!
The Problem: electric heater on a manual timer that my kid keeps mucking around with.
Requirements: Set an on/off time and disable the physical button to not let him turn it on during a certain period
The solution: using one of these https://www.bunnings.com.au/deta-grid-connect-smart-rewireable-plug_p0098810
and following this awesome dudes example: https://schinckel.net/2019/11/18/hacking-the-deta-rewireable-plug/
and this pinout diagram: https://docs.tuya.com/en/iot/device-development/module/wifi-module/wifie2smodule?id=K9605u79tgxug
I soldered on some jumpers and flashed via serial for ESPhome. Then I wrote this automation:
- id: 'xxxxxxxx'
alias: 'Heater DISABLE '
description: ''
- entity_id: switch.heater_relay
platform: state
- after: 05:45:00
before: '18:00:00'
condition: time
- device_id: xxxxxxxx
domain: switch
entity_id: switch.heater_relay
type: turn_off
Essentially during the prescribed period, if the button is pressed, it quickly turns it back off.
Thanks again for everyones contributions!