Disable switch on the group itself

Hi, when you make a group of lights, seems the group itselfs also gets a switch to turn ALL lights in that group
how can you remove that main switch of that group?


From the groups component page …

  • view ( Optional ): If yes then the entry will be shown as a view (tab) at the top. Groups that are set to view: yes cannot be used as entities in other views.
  • name ( Optional ): Name of the group.
  • icon ( Optional ): If the group is a view, this icon will show at the top in the frontend instead of the name. If the group is a view and both name and icon have been specified, the icon will appear at the top of the frontend and the name will be displayed as the mouse-over text. If it’s not a view, then the icon shows when this group is used in another group.
  • control ( Optional ): Set value to hidden . If hidden then the group switch will be hidden.
  • entities ( Required ): array or comma delimited string, list of entities to group.
    See Control :slight_smile:

ok, overlooked the control
