Disabled Entities

I just migrated from SmartThings to HAOS.
I was successful in pulling in 88 Z-wave Devices - to include two Schlage Z-Wave Locks.

I went about reviewing all the various posts on enabling notifications on user code usage in these locks and settled on installing KeyMaster.

I was successful in installing KeyMaster.

One question, when I was reviewing the enties used in lock notifications (lock_alarm) - I saw my locks had this entity disabled. I went ahead an enabled it, used the entity in KeyMaster and it seemed happy with it - as it’s working and programming codes/notifications.

But I am curious, I have a couple other entities disabled.

Is there any reason to have disabled entities?
Is there a reason these were disabled from the start?

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Quite a lot of integrations have some entities disabled by default - for example Zigbee devices usually have RSSI and LQI disabled. It’s mostly entities that a lot of people won’t use and I think the idea is just to reduce overheads - the size of the database, for example. You can enable them if you need them, it shouldn’t do any harm.

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The disabled ones are config entities. Ha segregates config entities (ones that are for device set up and control v actions like turning on a lamp. There’s better explanation out there hit that’s essentially it. And most of us dot need them turned on unless you want to change or manipulate the setting.). This is an alternative to attributes which can’t show on your dashboard without intervention and a template…

Because some dashboards (including the first one you had when you started with HA most likely)

They’re off by default to keep form spamming the dashboard and making it load like… Excrement.

(i have >5000 active entities and if I autogen a dash it immediately comes to a screeching halt)

Also Finally? Corey. Can someone convince JD to come over now?

I’m working on several of my follow users to move to HAOS. One already purchased an HA Green. I have a yellow…

Not sure I know JD - but I am definitely happy with the move now that the dust has settled.

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Thanks, I sort of figured this was the case, didn’t want to go enabling entities if it might cause issues. Make sense to avoid the overload as I have almost 3,000 entities and can see how it could get out of control quickly