Discovered Devices Hidden After restart

i am new to Home Assistant and have some Problems to get things Working.
I have a lot of 433Mhz Devices/Switches which are discovered automatic. After renaming (give a nee Friendly name) and rebooting Home Assistant zur Devices are hidden/not shown. After pressing a button on a remote Control, the Devices are getting visible.
How can i fix this to Show the Devices permanent?
Thanks in Advance for any Help.

regards Thomas

Probably one of the more permanent solutions is to move away from discovery and hard code the devices in your yaml files. It may be a lot of work, but you’ll never run into issues (outside of bugs).

That´s not really what i wanted to hear :wink:
Anyway, i hardcoded the devices and anything works as expected.

Thanks for your help

Yeah, I’ve noticed that discovery can be hit or miss with some components. I personally don’t use it anymore because of bugs in the past. Glad you got it working.

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