Good evening everyone.
I didn’t find a similar topic on the forum, but here’s my question.
I have 2 Shelly’s Pro 3EM, one to measure the energy generated by the solar panels, and another installed in the main panel of the house, to measure the house’s consumption.
It turns out that when the panels are producing energy, the shelly pro 3EM installed in the main panel shows the total active energy and the 3 respective phases with negative values (indicating that it is injecting the energy produced by the panels into the grid).
After the sun sets, and there is no more solar energy production, Shelly already shows the amount that the house is consuming.
What I want to know is the formula to calculate the home’s real-time consumption when there is solar production.
I have 2 other meters installed by the energy company that show the energy flow through the app, and when the panels are producing, it shows the house’s actual consumption, and the surplus goes to the grid.
I installed the Power Flow Card Plus app, and after inserting the respective sensors, the energy flow shows the amount that the house is consuming.
Just like the other one on my electricity company’s app shows me.
I wanted to display this value on a sensor card.