I am trying to build a different kind of bin day indicator with a changing icon on the front of a 3d printed wheely bin. And I am looking to have it lit when the attribute “Days until” of the 4 sensors for every kind of bin is 1 or lower. So it should show the image of the respective bin on the day before pickup and on the day itself.
I am trying to display the different images on an OLED display connected to an ESP8266.
So far I have succeeded in displaying an image correctly on my OLED display.
But I want either a button in Home assistant that can switch between 4 images on the ESP Home device. Or I want it to readout the state of the attribute of the sensors in home assistant.
I have been googling for about a day now. But I think I am just looking in the wrong direction.
And thanks again. Just getting started with this kind of application. ESP home has nice documentation for sensors etc. Also for text of OLED displays. But it lacks quite a bit for showing images on OLED displays.
And since I’m just getting started with ESP home I could not have figured this one out by myself.