Distance() to state or not to state

trying the distance() function I ran into unexpected behavior.
according to https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/configuration/templating/#distance-examples

we can use states and do: distance(states.device_tracker.name1, states.device_tracker.name2)

we can also use: distance('device_tracker.name1','device_tracker.name2')

works fine.

using a zone, we can do: distance(states.device_tracker.name1, states.zone.name2)

but this however:

distance('device_tracker.name1','zone.name1') returns none…?

is the a bug? or what am I doing wrong here.

Just looking at the code, neither of these methods will work:

{{ distance('device_tracker.name1','device_tracker.name2') }}
{{ distance('device_tracker.name1','zone.name1') }}

Only methods that should work are ones where you have a state object.

{{ distance(states.device_tracker.name1, states.zone.name2) }}
{{ distance(states.device_tracker.name1, states.device_tracker.name2) }}

Edit: one of 2 changes probably need to happen:

  • Change documentation to only show state objects


  • PR needs to be made with ability to search for the state object by entity_id.

yes, you’re right, trying some further, not even the second example I gave works, dont know how that did the first time I tested… {{distance('device_tracker.name1','device_tracker.name2')}}

need to happen 1 is probably easiest, nth2 would be preferable in my view, and make the code more consistent .

cant stand the fact I had it work earlier… will test some further how that could be.


seems dev’s @mnigbur are working on it:

which is really nice, and makes these templates so much more in line with regular behavior.
Hope this will make it soon!

I’m not sure why they never had it to begin with. Maybe it was there and they removed it when a bug was found