Giddy, only just stumbled upon HA the other day, and slowly but surely getting everything set up. Such a steep learning curve but the community and examples have great advice so I’m enjoying it!

I am trying to get either plex or dlna to do something (anything)

The logs sat that it has found my plex server, at the correct ip and port, but I can’t see how I am supposed to make use of it.

It also finds my DLNA server in the logs, but I don’t know how to make use of it.

Neither plex nor dlna servers show on the dashboard, and neither do the clients (apart from where I have set them up as wake-on-lan switches)

Thanks for any advice, really looking forward to adding some more devices as I can afford it.

So far I am just monitoring my network equipment, speed, nas power etc.

Here’s an update.

I just happened to open home assistant when my wife was playing on plex on my laptop (the only thing I hadn’t tried) and The laptop plex home theatre app showed on the ha main screen. Now it only ever shows the laptop, not my iPhone or iPad running plex app. Also the buttons on the plex item in the main view do not work. Pause etc.

Any ideas why it’s only working from my laptop?


Just flicked on the PS3, and plex popped up right away on my home page.

Looks like it’s just not working for iOS devices maybe?

Any thoughts?

…now that I have talked myself through this out loud through trial and error, anyone got any info on dlna?

I have a Cambridge audio np30 audio renderer, Samsung dumb tv, Gramofon, various dumb software players about, and the plex dlna server and a music dlna server just to test. Only the plex one is found by auto discovery on ha, but it won’t show anything up anywhere.
Ideas would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Can’t speak to iOS devices but for Plex to show up at all, you have to have it running at least once when HA is fully loaded. And if you use a Plex client like FireTV, it will show up as the FireTV media player card not the Plex media card.

As far as it not working in iOS, you may want to try posting in the iOS section since the Apple gurus tend to spend time there.

Cool thanks. Does definitely seem to be a wifi issue for some reason. Tried it on my Amazon Fire stick on wifi and that didn’t show either.

Seems like I’m doing it right, I have pushed play on a video on each of them when HA is running and they show up, apart from wifi devices. Will try a few androids too

I have an old HP Touchpad with KitKat running and I have it set up to run HA as a web app in Chrome as well as control sharing music among my BT speakers. It shows up in my media player group even though I haven’t used it for a while.

Here’s my config:

# Media Players
  platform: plex
media_player 2:
  platform: cast
media_player 3:
  platform: cast
media_player 4:
  platform: firetv

I’m not running the FireTV server since I am currently on Windows but it still shows one instance and either one of my FireTVs (not sticks, have to figure out why it’s labeled AFTS and not AFTV) playing will show up with the current media playing.

No thoughts on dlna?

Does nobody else use it?

DLNA is not currently supported but there’s a feature request in the forums you could vote on.

Oh right. I guess I assumed it was cause I’m sure I saw it discovered in the logs

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Don’t worry, I see it in my logs too. It’s picking up my miniDLNA server, but I can’t do anything with it :frowning: