DNS Issue from Mobile cant resolve homeassistant.local

Hi guys,
I’m one more guy with the same issue about accessing from mobile trough local name. Have read many many posts and applied some solutions with no success.
System Health
version: core-2021.12.10
installation_type: Home Assistant OS
os_name: Linux
os_version: 5.10.108
host_os: Home Assistant OS 7.6
installed_addons: File editor (5.3.3), WireGuard (0.7.0), Duck DNS (1.15.0), Studio Code Server (5.1.2), Frigate NVR (Full Access) (3.1), Node-RED (13.3.1)


Have the HASSIO running inside a Oracle VirtualMachine with following setup:


Virtual Machine Adapter

WiFi Device

This is the initial step to use the Wireguard/DuckDNS, already installed, and it already worked once. (the day i have deployed and tested). Now that i want to pickup again this got this issue :confused:

If i try to connect trough homeassistant.local on my mobile got the “can’t resolve name server”

Any ideas?

tried disabling ip6?

Hi. Yes tried it.

However when disabled it, Lost the connection even on laptop/Windows :confused: