Hi guys,
I’m one more guy with the same issue about accessing from mobile trough local name. Have read many many posts and applied some solutions with no success.
System Health
version: core-2021.12.10
installation_type: Home Assistant OS
os_name: Linux
os_version: 5.10.108
host_os: Home Assistant OS 7.6
installed_addons: File editor (5.3.3), WireGuard (0.7.0), Duck DNS (1.15.0), Studio Code Server (5.1.2), Frigate NVR (Full Access) (3.1), Node-RED (13.3.1)
Have the HASSIO running inside a Oracle VirtualMachine with following setup:
Virtual Machine Adapter
WiFi Device
This is the initial step to use the Wireguard/DuckDNS, already installed, and it already worked once. (the day i have deployed and tested). Now that i want to pickup again this got this issue
If i try to connect trough homeassistant.local on my mobile got the “can’t resolve name server”
Any ideas?