I was having all sorts of problems with my ZWave network and decided to nuke it all and re-build fresh. Given the location of my Home Automation Server (that is running HASSIO in a VM), I decided to plug my Aeotec Z-Wave 5 stick into my laptop and use the PC Z-Wave Controller from Silicon Labs to pair all 20 of my light switches.
Most switches were paired with all 4 security schemes: S0, S2_Unauthenticated, S2_Authenticated, and S2_Access.
Upon plugging the stick into my Home Automation Server, I realized the all of the security keys were tied to my laptop. I extracted the keys from my laptop and plugged them into the PC Z-Wave Controller on my Home Automation Service. This worked great.
Now I’m trying to configure Home Assistant with Z-Wave JS to use the same key(s), and I can’t seem to figure out which key to use.
Does this mean I have to exclude all 20 switches and then re-include them using Z-Wave JS?
These are the available keys for me to choose from:
Thanks in advance for your help!