Do I need the --addons core_ssh parameter to restore snapshot?

Hello Folks

I have been running an very basic on a Pi 4 (4gb) for a few months now without issue. All I have is one Zwave switch, a few automations and SMTP notify. I was on version 102 until this morning when I tried to update to 103 (via UI). It failed and haven’t seen the UI since then. Fortunately I can still SSH to it I have tried running the update again from the CLi but just get an Unknown Error. After a few trys I have given up on the update and want to restore to a full snapshot.

At this I can still connect via SSH and being an sysadmin grey beard did run a full snapshot before I tried the 103 update this morning.

My question is will CLI command "hassio snapshots restore this mornings slug name to restore everything back to this morning or do I also need to add all the add ons eg --addons core_ssh etc etc to the same snapshot restore command?

Thanks all


I have never used that parameter to restore a snapshot… but it’s been a while since I’ve restored via ssh as well. I don’t think it’s needed.

Thanks for the reply David, I had to do a total scratch and rebuild in the end.
Running again now.
