I want to use these cheap 4 button tuya https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005863418870.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.dd502ed88daa8x&algo_pvid=ae65448f-d4d4-46db-bfdd-80e65ed9b859&algo_exp_id=ae65448f-d4d4-46db-bfdd-80e65ed9b859-0&pdp_npi=3%40dis!DKK!277.52!88.83!!!41.02!!%402101d64d16908790873538772e05d4!12000034616992102!sea!DK!720959310&curPageLogUid=3sHaAXlffbDu
But I cant figure out from reading Tuya - Home Assistant if an account and gateway is needed? I want my stuff be localized, so that would not be useful for me
If so is there any other 4 button cheap devices I should consider for HA integration?