no clue. it was already configured when I bought the house. is there supposed to be an rj45 port somewhere?
yeah , normally, but maybe you have somekind of light edition , no max
then indeed your canbus is your only option
if you setup the device , you can easy see the messages send on the bus , and then just simulate it again from HA
looks like I need a DO5435DIN, and then some kind of software?
now I just need to find a place to buy it
Yes , software is free… I have the older system, evolution SX, in my case it was called max200
thank you for the help @pergola.fabio (and sorry everyone else for the offtopic). I’ve just sent an email to Dobiss to confirm that I need the DO5435, and where can I buy it (Google doesn’t yeld any results).
Yeah, not sure though if that’s the only module you need… Where do you live?
Belgium, 9090 Melle
Ow ,that’s the other side, otherwise I could give you a local contact :+)
Heb jij al een meer open alternatief tegen gekomen? Ben wel benieuwd want ik moet al mijn knoppen gaan vervangen en heb nog geen alternatief gevonden voor Dobiss.
@pergola.fabio hoe ziet je dummy programmatie eruit? Ik probeer er ook een te maken, maar kan (moet) enkel lampen selecteren.
Hoi, ik selecteer een temperatuur regime
Dat werkt inderdaad. Thanks.
Graag gedaan
Is het ook mogelijk commando’s te versturen via the RS232 poort.
Ik heb nog een heel oude installatie met enkel master met serial port.
Ik ben op zoek naar een manier om ook hier een soort sturing toe te voegen buiten Dobiss.
hmm, denk niet dat je serieel commandos kan sturen, alleen via de IP module of de Canbus
tenzij je natuurlijk de nieuwe NXT hebt, dan is er een officiele API
this is working very well for me, thanks for this (the Ambiance Pro Windows app can’t even connect).
If you are talking about my custom integration: thanks for the kind words!
Also: the fact that Ambiance Pro cannot connect anymore could actually be due to the Home Assistant is connected to the Dobiss system. That was one of the things I want to improve but haven’t found the time for: Dobiss only allows one connection to their LAN controller.
Ideally we would connect and disconnect every time we interact with the Dobiss system, but it is not very easy to manage that reliably.
So if you want to setup some stuff using the Ambiance Pro software, disable the Dobiss integration in Home Assistant while doing so.
yeah, I got that in the meantime. thanks again!
I try to install Dobiss2mqtt on rapsberry3 for controlling a dobiss SX-evolution (with max200, actually it’s an old dobissII from 1997 upgraded to SX-Evolution in 2010)and i receive a message that the app must be run on a linux/amd64 and can’t be used on a arm/V7. I read that the dobiss2mqtt was normally multiplatform. Is it right?
I tried to place platform: linux/amd64 in the docker-compose, i don’t receive the same message but the program then stop with following message
exec /usr/local/bin/ exec format error
which seems to be the same ‘wrong’ platform problem.
Sorry to ask but I’m not very experimented with docker.
is there a way to have an ARM/V7 version?
Thanks already for your help.