
Perfect, that works like you say

02 = toggle
01 = on
00 = off


Cool, the you just need those extra stuff behind the shell command…

Use the shell command integration for below then the template light will work too that I showed you earlier

dobisscan: cansend can0 01fc0102#{{module}}{{id}}{{power}}FFFF64FFFF

Ah, and you probably need to work with HEX values, so relay 10 becomes 0A

Also try sending now the “0” message? With that new string at the front, maybe it works now

Ok it works, but it looks like i have to add another variable.

dobisscan: cansend can0 01fc0{{1}}02#{{module}}{{id}}{{power}}FFFF64FFFF

The 1 between brackets changes to.

So i added another variable “master”
The zero message I can’t seem to figure out how that is suppose to look.
Should look at the script to so i get the master value in HA

  dobisscan: cansend can0 01fc0{{master}}02#{{module}}{{id}}{{power}}FFFF64FFFF

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "4 op een rij"
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.dobiss', '0308') == '01' }}"
          - service: shell_command.dobisscan
              master: "3"
              module: "03"
              id: "08"
              power: "01"
          - service: shell_command.dobisscan
              master: "3"
              module: "03"
              id: "08"
              power: "00"

ok , so you got it working now?

Yeah, the “00” message is indeed usefull, to get all states on restart of HA

i do it like this:

cansend can0 00800101#00

maybe you need to add also those fff… at the back and change probaly the front before the # too , maybe also a “0” for the master ?

Yep, just wil have to change you code to also give me the master number.
Now i have to do a candump to get the addres.
It wil be easier to also see the master number via HA.

Indeed, shouldnt be that hard
Also, you need to filter only the 0002ff01 messages in your dobiss.sensor
The 01fv0302 messages you dont need, those are the commands


maybe the “master” is just the number of the relay?
Like relay “3” has 12 outputs?

Hmm good point.
How can i now that 0002FF01 relates to 01FC0302 only the number 3 in this case changes.

And i think indeed that that numbers means the relay block I have 3 relay blocks in my system and i only see 1, 2 and 3.

Hmm, not sure, but you only need to trigger that “00” command, I have a dobiss webserver, that module when it booted, was sending 00 sp the dobiss App was able to set the correct states… You have a newer app then me , maybe start the app on your mobile, maybe it’s sending then then the 00 message

O boy, installed the dobiss app and opended it :sweat_smile:

Yes, it check all states indeed, I also removed some in my code that I don’t need, I only wanted to see lights and programs…

But seems they first Blanc command is the one maybe to get all states?

Think i’m entering it the wrong way


You need a second ssh terminal active with candump while sending the command in the other terminal :slight_smile:

This is the output i get when going in the dobiss app.
I’m nog shure what the numbers between the brackets mean.

And thx for the tip for the 2 terminals, should have thought about that myself.


The number in brackets you can ignored , those are just the amount of bytes you are sending…

Like 01 and FF , 2 bytes

Have you figured out the 00 message? That’s the only one you need to get all current states ? Usefull when restarting HA

Yep thats the one i’m trying to find. wotj no luck at the moment


Maybe try changing the prefix also?
Can you try maybe power off/on a relay ? Maybe the relay also tries to reset it to his previous state by pinging the master…

Maybe prefix is 0201ff00 ?

You can always call Dobiss also? If you want I can send a mail, I have a good contact there who get me on track when I initiated this TCP project, he provided me the API docs and stuff

Yeah if dobiss could share some info that would be awesome.
I see on the website you can download the software now to. Couple years ago they would not share that except if you where An installer.
So maybe there are more Willing to share some info.
Could you ask your contact @ dobiss?