Is it possible to use something other than ESPHome to create a bluetooth proxy? -preferably on docker
Long story short (long story long below) I have a raspberry pi running docker that I want to plug my BT dongle into and place it in the room that my Switchbot Curtains are in. It would be great to do that with my existing hardware instead of buying a new ESP32 to use ESPHome just for the curtains.
– Longer explanation for those interested–
I am working on getting a HA proxmox environment setup with 3 nodes. In order to do that nothing can be connected to the USB ports (because if one node goes down so does its USB). I have solved this issue for zwave and zigbee by their respective MQTT packages running on a raspberry pi (that is also much closer phyically to the devices needing controlled than the rest of the proxmox cluster). But I am stuck on how to do this with bluetooth. I can use ESPHome, but its not a solution that looks great and I already have everything else running off of my rPi with docker, so why can’t bluetooth proxy. Surely if an ESP32 can do it a rPi w/ docker can…
I know there are bluetooth mqtt gateways but from my understanding HA won’t be able to use those in the native BT and that is what switchbot needs " In order to use this integration, it is required to have working Bluetooth set up on the device running Home Assistant. A SwitchBot Hub is not required for this integration."
So I am looking for a nice elegant solution if anyone has one. Thank you!