I have had loads of help from folk on the forum, but I think that, with an additional element to the documentation, I could have avoided a number of questions. I have looked through the documentation and not found what I am proposing (though I may have missed this). It could be a feature request, but it isn’t really.
What I am proposing is that on the Getting Started pages, there is a section for Key Concepts.
The idea is to explain the terms that are very familiar to those here but maybe peculiar to new users. There might be a suggestion it is too early when someone is ‘getting started’ to do this but as soon as integration and device is mentioned in the documentation, there is a chance of befuddling new users with jargon.
The Getting Started guide also drops a new user straight into Automations where they are presented with a dialogue that uses the terms Entity & State with no real explanation of where those terms come from or what they mean.
This is a starter for 10 - I am happy for Admins to edit this, there is a strong chance I’ll put something in that is wrong! It is designed as a discussion piece - strawman.
Areas to be covered
- Devices
- Integrations
- Entities
- Entity State
- Entity Attributes