I have room awareness working with lights. I can say “turn on the light” and it works.
But if I put something named “fan” in a group, I get the dreaded “a few things share that name…” response.
I have room awareness working with lights. I can say “turn on the light” and it works.
But if I put something named “fan” in a group, I get the dreaded “a few things share that name…” response.
I have ecobee room semsors and it works with those. So I can say, alexa what is the temp in the room. and it returns the temp sensor of that room. I do have fans too, but no such luck with those, Maybe sometime in the future. Maybe you could set up a light template for the fan, then add it to alexa as a light. Then you could treat it as a dimmer. 0-33 = low, 34-66 - med, and 67+ = high.
I’d have to do some thinking on naming to get it to work naturally.
I’ve already tried setting the fan as a light by changing the device type from switch to light in the Alexa app. It states there:
“Changing the type to light will allow you to control the switch as a light in your Alexa-Enabled Group… ‘Alexa, turn on the lights’”
I also tried changing the display_categories
option in my alexa:smart_home
setup. Neither of which allow the fan to act like a light.
Change it in HA, use a light template. and then expose the light to Alexa, not the switch
- platform: template
- platform: switch
name: fan name here
entity_id: switch.fan_device_name
Thanks, I’ll give that a try tonight.
So far, only these display categories work…
No luck with fan.