Does an api restart cause a restart reason of ' external system'

I’m getting a reset reason of ‘external system’ on an esphome 8266 light bulb. Will an API disconnect restart give this code or do you think I’ve got something else going on?

An API disconnection could cause your device to restart based on your settings… Why don’t you share your yaml to help people supporting you? Please remove sensitive info when sharing.

I know it will reset it on API disconnect, the device is setup that way. I’m asking if it will throw a debug reset reason of ‘external system’ if it restarts on an API disconnect or is it a different code like ‘Software reset’? My understanding is an ‘external system’ code is something outside the chip, such as voltage issues.

I can’t post the yaml until tomorrow when I’m on my computer.

Then you can include the log as well :slight_smile: