Does anyone use motion triggers with the Jasco 24770 Motion Relay Switch?

I had the Jasco 24770 motion switches working under SmartThings. I can see the motion events in the event log. However, the ‘motion_detection’ sensor entity in HA never changes. I tried to trigger off the raw motion events and it works for a while, but the automation eventually stalls. I’m trying to determine if this ever worked or something broke along the way. I also have the Jasco 26931 which has the same ZW4006 alias. The 26931 works as expected. The motion events are identical, but 24770 reports to endpoint 1 while 26931 reports to endpoint 2. I haven’t confirmed whether Z-Wave JS uses the same code for both variants. My perception is that most SmartThings drivers are one-off hack jobs where the goal is to communicate however possible. The Z-Wave JS team seems to be more sticklers for standards and Jasco is a known offender. I keep coming back to the fallacy of Z-Wave “certification”. Things should just work-- right? Anyway, if you’ve got 24770 motion detection working in an automation, I’d like to compare notes. I’ve got 3 switches live and they all exhibit no motion detection under HA. I’ve tried exclude/include multiple times.

Sorry mine are alll 26931 (switch) and 26933 (dimmers)

I know Phil (the guy who wrote the working ST driver, I was the Guinea pig for his alpha versions…) had a heck of a time with one of the models. Wouldn’t be suprised if it was that one, I’ll ask.

You running JS or JsUI? And what entities are exposed?

Yes, I was using Phil’s drivers and that’s exactly what I had in mind when I said ‘however possible’. The event data is there, so there’s a way to make it work. I also have a problem using double-click on the 14318 switch. It seems Z-Wave JS determined it’s non-standard and went so far as to ignore the ‘Plus’ logo. So much for “certification”.

I’m using JsUI. I have 2 copies of each sensor. It looks like Z-Wave JS listens on endpoint 2, but the switch is reporting on endpoint 1.

I paid $14 each with shipping for the 24770. I bought 4. Somebody dumped tons of them in December 2020. Now that most lights are dimmable, I prefer triac dimmers. I’ve never had a dimmer fail. The relays have the annoying click and the power supply capacitors eventually fail (which I replace). I still use them for exhaust fans and non-dimmable lights. I could probably use the 3-speed fan control for the exhaust, but that seems overkill.

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Re-interview that 14318. It sounds like the interview borked. (interview is what determines that stuff and sometimes it just misses - or if your having comms problems interview takes the hit) so don’t blame that on certification.

So the short version I CAN tell you after three years on JS. You’ll find it much better in the long run but what else I will tell you. Not everything’s perfect at first and they stil find oddness. (usually when there’s an oddball device that’s not out there a lot or acts different from the ‘norm’)sound familiar? I’d bet that device does behave differently than the other motion dimmers/switches and needs some additional info/whatever. As you noted ths stuff is all standards but if you do have a multichannel device like that on endpoint 2 instead of 1 and they enable everything because of the way the classes present (what interview looks at) as a standard mo-dimmer…

And tbh until you mentioned that specific model I didn’t kmow it existoand I have a TON of Jasco motion switches /dimmers. I thought for sure I had at least one…

If you find one you can log a bug on the JS github and they usually fix it fast. Unlike st you can still use the device in the meantime it usually means extended function doesn’t work rt and they fix it pretty quickly.

Now as to the pic I assume that’s the odd one? It doesn’t look right at all - I see the relatively new ‘basic’ entity but no light entity. I’ve never had one working right that presents like that.

What security level is it joined at.? What happens if you reinterview it (don’t reset security classes) also what happens if you enable all those disabled entities? Do any of them show activity?

I use relay based devices on all inductive loads, like exhaust fans, outdoor lights, or anything switching an outlet. the fan controllers on ceiling fans (i wouldn’t try to speed control an exhaust fan). Anything else gets the dimmer.
Motion variant in most cases. (no such thing as too many sensors) But I don’t use the non-enbrighten versions anymore since Jasco redesigned to get around the dying capacitors in the original 12xxx and 14xxx designs

Fortunately for me a certain Texas snowstorm took out all my remaining pre-enbrighten devices and the insurance company replaced them for me. :wink:

Try enabling some of those disabled sensors and restart HA


Nope, not a failed interview. Per github history, they intentionally block ‘Plus’ . The logo doesn’t matter.

I think all the Jasco motion devices lack any security, so that’s not a factor. When I rebuilt the system after SmartThings, I intentionally disabled security except for the lock on the front door. A secure device can’t talk to an insecure device, so direct association won’t work. Reinterview does nothing. Exclude/reinclude does nothing. Factory reset (10x up) does nothing. The other entities never change even on the 26931. The first set of entities is there in the beginning. When I trigger motion, the duplicate entities appear. The second motion entity works for a while and then dies. It becomes ‘unavailable’ after restart.

You could just use the fan control on ‘high’ which should be full-on. You gain whatever protection they use for the inductive motor. No relay click. I can get new fan controls on eBay for around $20. Lots of open-box Z-Wave stuff because people don’t know what they’re buying.

Then it sounds like it’s time to open a bug on the 24770 if you haven’t already, interesting on the 14318 - hadn’t seen that one yet :wink:

This part absolutely sounds like it just needs a tweak as to how they’re handling that one device. because it wants to be special.

I will never rely on software to prevent changing the levels…

Yeah, I already submitted an issue for review.

If we’re talking about standard bathroom exhaust fans, the motor is tiny and brushless. Even with a fan control set on ‘low’, I doubt there’d be any harm. There’s just no practical reason to reduce the airflow. It’s less risky than using a dimmer in ‘switch’ mode with a non-dimmable light.

a ‘dimmer’ on inductive is a NO-GO (fire is a real risk) Also known as a VBT (Very Bad Thing)

That’s why I use the ones with relays. :wink: