I’d like to buy some TRV themostats for my home. I’m using HA with ZHA for a Zigbee-Network and WiFi is also vailable. But for battery reasons i’d like to use Zigbee for the TRVs.
I had time these days to update external convertor.
Please , don’t blame me. Initial has been created to use ON/OFF TRV valve and read temperature via mqtt.
So it’s successfully paired, but notice the error – maybe something, maybe nothing:
debug 2024-03-22 03:02:41: Received Zigbee message from '0xa4c138540483dd29', type 'commandDataReport', cluster 'manuSpecificTuya', data '{"dpValues":[{"data":{"data":[0],"type":"Buffer"},"datatype":5,"dp":14}],"seq":5376}' from endpoint 1 with groupID 0
error 2024-03-22 03:02:41: Exception while calling fromZigbee converter: Value '0' is not allowed, expected one of true,false}
debug 2024-03-22 03:02:41: Error: Value '0' is not allowed, expected one of true,false
at Object.from (/opt/zigbee2mqtt/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman-converters/src/lib/tuya.ts:439:27)
at Object.convert (/opt/zigbee2mqtt/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman-converters/src/lib/tuya.ts:1324:57)
at Receive.onDeviceMessage (/opt/zigbee2mqtt/lib/extension/receive.ts:153:51)
at EventEmitter.wrappedCallback (/opt/zigbee2mqtt/lib/eventBus.ts:174:23)
at EventEmitter.emit (node:events:530:35)
at EventBus.emitDeviceMessage (/opt/zigbee2mqtt/lib/eventBus.ts:108:22)
at Controller.<anonymous> (/opt/zigbee2mqtt/lib/zigbee.ts:115:27)
Hi ,
I have found the problem related to error. “dp”:14 Is related to Falult Alarm on TRV valve.
I have updated the file and seems to be fine now. No error during the pair device.
Best regards,
I have had a previous version of the custom integration that worked perfectly until a few days ago (something happened - maybe an update of the core as i did not notice exactly when i lost access to the controls)
I have followed the exact instructions provided in the repo (@eteodun thank you for that) in order to upgrade. Unfortunately i still get the unknown device when i try to pair it.
info 2024-04-06 17:40:02: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/r_termostat_robert/availability', payload '{"state":"online"}'
debug 2024-04-06 17:40:02: Refreshing Home Assistant discovery topic for 'r_termostat_robert'
info 2024-04-06 17:40:02: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/r_termostat_robert', payload '{"last_seen":"2024-04-06T14:39:59.935Z","linkquality":152}'
The only thing i did not do is " fresh installation of zigbee2MQTT" as recommended in the repo as i have a lot of devices and i don’t really want to repair all of them.
Any idea how i can make my themostats work again :D?
Hi ,
Sorry but I don’t know other work arround. I had this issue and I tried to pair again few times. Please try to pair again one by one.
Also , add on zigbee2mqtt /homeassistant/zigbee2mqtt/configuration.yaml file path external converter file that you created like and restart zigbee2mqtt.
I have SonOff zigbee coordinator reflashed and zigbee2mqtt 1.36.0-1
If you perfomed upgrade to the latest version , you could try to perform rollback. I don’t have installed latest version.
Best regards