Does the InfluxDB sensor support cumulative queries?

I have a few live power consumption sensors that I import into InfluxDB, then I use the following query in Grafana to calculate my cumulative power consumption over the day. How can I add the cumulative integer parameters in Home Assistant?

This is my query in Grafana:
"SELECT cumulative_sum(integral("value")) /3600000 FROM "autogen"."Grid_import" WHERE time >= 1549198800000ms GROUP BY time(10s) fill(null)"

So far in Home Assistant this works, but does not show the cumulative value.

  platform: influxdb
  host: localhost
  username: ****
  password: ****
    - name: influxdb_grid_import
      group_function: last
      unit_of_measurement: W
      where: 'time >= 1544965200000ms'
      measurement: "Grid_import"
      database: iotawatt
      field: "value"

This is the JSON from Grafana

"measurement": "Grid_import",
      "orderByTime": "ASC",
      "policy": "autogen",
      "query": "SELECT last(\"value\") FROM \"autogen\".\"Solar\" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(none)",
      "rawQuery": false,
      "refId": "A",
      "resultFormat": "time_series",
      "select": [
            "params": [
            "type": "field"
            "params": [],
            "type": "integral"
            "params": [],
            "type": "cumulative_sum"
            "params": [
            "type": "math"

I’d love to know how to do SUM and similar calculations in HA too.

It would be nice to be able to pass “standard format” queries across to Influx using the influx sensor.

I ended up using Node Red