Dome Motion Sensor Question

Hi All,

I just added a Dome motion sensor so I can turn my basement lights on as I walk down the stairs. To do this I set up an automation to turn on 4 lights when motion is detected and I would like to turn them off if no motion is detected after 10 minutes. I have setup a 2nd automation called “Motion Off” (Not sure if I can do everything in one automation)

In the 2nd automation I set the following:

I can get the lights to turn on successfully but they do not turn off after 10 minutes. Did I miss something ?

does the state of the sensor go to the off state.

did you try


What @myle said… but specifically with lowercase O … also I haven’t used the automation editor in a really long time but I do remember “For” not working from the editor (or it’s possible it wasn’t available at the time). But any automations I used “for:” in I had to manually edit… definitely worth it to try manually making your automations… you will thank yourself later …

I am now trying “off” lowercase, I missed that

to get my head around the automations

this Is what i did

created a automations folder in the Config folder


in the Configuration.yaml file

automation: !include automations.yaml
automation old: !include_dir_merge_list automations

then i would
do a records automation run the automation editor

- id: '1566823459891'
  alias: New Automation
  - entity_id: sensor.ir_codes
    platform: state
    to: DOWN
  - data:
      payload: IR-DIM DOWN
      topic: IR/CODES
    service: mqtt.publish
  - service: script.turn_on
    entity_id: script.gas_down

look at read and try to understand it

then I would Cut out of the automation.yaml file

and paste into a file inside the automations folder

# Dim the gas heater when i press the CH down on the TV remote
  - entity_id: sensor.ir_codes
    platform: state
    to: DOWN
  - data:
      payload: IR-DIM DOWN
      topic: IR/CODES
    service: mqtt.publish
  - service: script.turn_on
    entity_id: script.gas_down

the other good thing about doing it this way you can add comments in and they dont get deleted

see clear as mud

I did get the motion detector to turn the lights off after 10 minutes of inactivity. I changed “off” to lowercase as you recommended in the automation editor and it worked perfectly. Newb error lol

I even put a condition in to only turn the lights on when motion is detected up to 30 minutes before sunset as I already have another automation that turns certain lights on in the area the sensor is at sunset.

The only thing I am not sure about is if this can all be done in one single automation? Currently I have an automation for turning the lights on when motion is detected and another automation to turn the lights off after 10 minutes.

I appreciate your help

cool bro

i take it you seeing the light now