Dome Water Main Switch (Via Wink)

Has anyone gotten the Dome water main valve shut-off to work? I’ve got it recognized as a Wink device - can operate it via the Wink iphone app. I also have other Wink devices correctly being controlled by HASS (August lock). I can see the valve as switch in HASS, but can’t seem to operate it via a service call (turn_on, turn_off, toggle). It stays in the “off” state (regardless of if Wink considers it open or closed).

Anyone try this?


Oooo interesting.

Can you do me a favor and login to wink@home (

Find the dome switch and click on the little i in the bottom right. In the pop up copy the JSON field and send me it? Probably would be best to send in a PM since there is some personal info there.

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Pull request has been opened to fix this.

As long as this gets pulled into Home Assistant before the release on Saturday all you will need to do is update to the latest version.

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@w1ll1am23 - did it get pulled into the official release?


Looks like it did, let me know if things are working now.

Yup, works now. At least toggle does. Thanks!

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Sweet, glad it worked!