I’m new to Home Automation, so bare with me.
I want to have a overlay/PIP (PiPup) on my androidTV (shield) when there is motion at my doorbell. I’ve already gotten all of that configured. It’s executing and working properly.
The issue is, the automation isn’t “turning off” according to the log. There was one time when it did turn off, and then I got motion at my door when someone came to it, and it worked properly. But since then, it hasn’t turned off again.
Here are the current events:
8:55AM Doorbell Automation triggered
10:09AM Doorbell Automation Trigger turned off
12:02PM Triggered again
?? Has not turned off yet
So I go back to my log for the Doorbell motion
12:02:04PM motion detected
12:02:23PM cleared
Shouldn’t that be working as expected? Once it shows “cleared”, shouldn’t the automation turn off?
- id: '1589979637616'
alias: Door Bell to AndroidTV Motion
description: ''
- entity_id: binary_sensor.amcrest_camera_motion_detected
platform: state
to: 'on'
condition: []
- data: {}
service: rest_command.androidtv_doorbell
# Android TV PIP Doorbell
url: http://192.168.x.x:7979/notify
content_type: 'application/json'
verify_ssl: false
method: 'post'
timeout: 20
payload: >
"duration": 10,
"position": 2,
"title": "Home Assistant",
"titleColor": "#50BFF2",
"titleSize": 10,
"message": "Someone is at the door",
"messageColor": "#fbf5f5",
"messageSize": 14,
"backgroundColor": "#0f0e0e",
"media": { "image": {
"uri": "xx/DrBl_002.jpg"
# Amcrest Front DoorBell Camera
- host: 192.168.x.x
username: x
password: x
- motion_detected
- online