Ok, I think I made the wrong call by going SSL. Doorbird is only one off many services not working anymore due to changing HA from http to https. It’s making me very sad that this happens. So I deleted my doorbird integration. And started over. Deleted the http call to HA in the doorbird app.
When I restart HA it comes up with the new device found at the integration page. When setup all there is a new http call added to my doorbird app through the API. But the new call is http not https. So the call doesn’t work. When I manually change it to https it works and I get the OK in my browser. But the event never reaches HA. So I end up with a non working doorbird.
How did you create the SSL certificate? Did you install it on HA itself?
If it’s a self-signed one, it makes sense the Doorbell would reject it.
Sorry. Forgot to add that info. It’s created by let’s encrypt addon. Via DNS and it is a wildcard domain. Chrome says it’s a good one
And the url in Doorbell is using the correct domain?
When I reinstall the integration and create the event, it creates a http call to HA with a token. But that call is http:// but HA is listening to https:// only. If I manually change the http to https it works. I did manage to find out what event reached HA, so it works again for me. But the fact that it creates the wrong url for the call to HA is still a thing…
Thanks for helping out, btw.