Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

@msp1974 Does the remove orphaned devices service still exist? It’s not showing up for me under Developer Tools Actions.

Update: I have just found the hidden HA native delete device option. I therefore assume the service was removed whenever this was added. :slight_smile:

Correct. It was removed and replaced with the delete device option.

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Ah, is that an integration option then? I assumed it was a native HA option.

Yes, it has to be coded in the integration to support.it.

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Hello Everyone. I’ve just installed the Wiser integration from HCAS and when I restarted my hub was not detected. Following the instructions I connected to the Hub WiFi and navigated to but only got a “connection timed out”. Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

Most likely your phone or PC disconnected from the Wiser WIFi network automatically - I’ve noticed modern devices may automatically switch back to your normal network after a brief time if they don’t detect an internet connection. If you see any warning messages while following the set up process pay attention and select to stay connected to the WiFi network that starts with “Wiser”. Once you are done this network goes away and you can connect to your home network as normal.

Can anyone explain what the orange bars in the graph are telling me. I thought each bar represented the boiler firing based on heat demand but the bars don’t correlate to the graph above which i think are also the boiler firing timings. Thank you.

Having monitored the operation of my boiler i have now confirmed that the Wiser Heating on/off graph does directly match the actual boiler firing times. So i now want to understand what the orange bars meaning is in the lower graph. I also noticed that when the boiler was firing the thermostat in the Wiser integration was idle, why would that be?

Sorry, yet another Passive Mode query … I’ve been playing with this with a view to making my scheduling a bit more efficient, and I’m puzzled. I have a room with Passive Mode turned on (so I see two temperature settings in my climate card), the room is also shown as being in Auto Mode. According to the Wiki, “In Auto mode, the passive mode will allow setting of the lower temp (which will cause the boiler to fire if the room temp goes below this lower setting), however, the upper temp setting is driven by the rooms schedule. If you try to change this via the thermostat card, it will revert within a couple of seconds to the scheduled temp setting.”

But I’m not seeing that behaviour: if I change the upper temp setting (either up or down), it will just sit at that level forever.

Any clues about what I might be missing? Is this because I’m using the Mushroom Climate Card?

Try refreshing your browser and see if it reverts then.

The orange bar represents that the room is calling for heat. I cannot quite remember how all this works but there is then an algorythm in the hub that determines if the boiler fires - cycles and some other things.

There is a parameter on the hub for each room that we use for this (ControlOutputState)

The thermostat state represents if the room is calling for heat. This is not necessarily related to the boiler firing.

Thanks for the info.

I’m puzzled why the thermostat would not be calling for heat but the hub fires the boiler anyway! Equally why would the thermostat be asking for heat but the hub decides not to fire the boiler. I think these are questions for the Wiser technical team so i will raise a support ticket.

Thanks, that did it. Quite disconcerting, though - it could sit there for quite a while before it got corrected. Any workarounds spring to mind?

I did try hopping to other dashboards and back but that wasn’t enough to cause a refresh.

Can someone please explain how i remove unwanted devices from the integration.

Thank you


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It did used to go back after a couple of seconds. I’ll have a look at it. It could be some frontend change has stopped that working - however, if you set a target temp on a device and it fails it shoudl revert to the current target - this is the basis on which this should work.

Recently switched my Nest over to the Drayton Wiser system and this integration has been really easy to set up, thank you to devs for making it so straightforward!

I’m using the external temperature sensor recipe/automation that is provided in the wiki, it’s been working well so far. One quirk I did notice was if the TRV was manually boosted and the external temperature sensor recorded an updated reading which was within the tolerance delta of the scheduled temperature, the automation would cancel the boost.

I’ve used a combination of helpers to work around this for now, but wanted to double check I’ve not missed anything obvious in my setup?

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Somehow I managed to miss this recipe, so I am really glad you posted and brought it to my attention. @msp1974 this looks great!

No. It uses boost to manage reaching the correct room temp, so will cancel any boost you do manually if at target temp.

Happy for anyone to try and improve this.