DSB45 Zwave Water Sensor configuration problem

Hi, I have some trouble to configure an DSB45 zwave Water and Flood sensor.
I want that when some water is deteced, it put by itself on mode “on”, and when there is no water, it put on mode “off”, so I can send some notifications.

I tryed to reinstall many times and reset de default configuration but the problem is the same. My probe is detected, but when I put it in some water, nothing goes.

And,I can not to find it in configuration.yaml file but I can see it on the dashboard of hass. I triedd to remove it from the control pannel of z-wave devices (ozwcp) but it does not work.

Someone has already configured this type of sensor (DSB45) ?
How can i do to remove all of this component and restart from a new configuration?
Or somebody can help me ?

In advance, thank you for your help.








Do you have any binary_sensor.something or sensor.somethings in your Entity States Dev tab? (Developer Tools -> <>)

The sensor entities are the ones that you want to look at, not the zwave ones.

Yes, it is look like:

But I don’t know wich is the good…and wich is work fine…its not very clear for me