DSC Alarm integration

And you tested Pushbullet independently?

Also - have you checked the state of sensor.home_alarm_keypad in the states dev when your alarm is armed to confirm that the state is changing there (and that you’ve got the correct entity_id)?

Since the Service tab change my alarm status comes and goes — last night it was there because in the auto arm at 9pm it auto arm itself but this morning its gone. ak

Getting the exact entity_id and state value is key.

Pushbullet tested independently? You can do that via services. send it something like
{“message”:“this is a test”}

I for some reason can not figure out which entity to use and state is used to send me a notification when the alarm is going off. I would also like to send a notification when there it is in an exit delay. I will probably set them up under conditions in the end but I just don’t know what the entity is.


Look at your states dev tool. The one that looks like <>. That’ll have a list of your available entities. Look for (Ctrl-F = find in most browsers) the word keypad. It’ll be under sensors. It’ll basically be sensor.partition_name_keypad (so your partition settings in your configuration affect it).

To trigger on exit delay:

    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.home_alarm_keypad
      state: 'Exit Delay In Progress'

Has anyone got the alarm_arm_home service to work from script? The domain: alarm_control_panel and Service: alarm_arm_away works from the dev tool page but I can’t call it from front end/script or automation with below. Thanks

  - alias: Alarm
    service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_home

I don’t think you want that alias in your sequence. Should be a list of services. You’re prob getting a log error on that.

I don’t get any errors with the alias in, when i took it out, HA would not load the front end. I took the script from the restart script below which works perfectly.

  alias: Restart HA
    - alias: Restart HA
      service: homeassistant.restart

    alias: Alarm
      - alias: Alarm
        service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_home

You did it like this and got an error?

    alias: Alarm
      - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_home

And for safety’s sake, lowercase that first alarm:

    alias: Alarm
      - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_home

You’ll want to keep an eye on homeassistant.log in the same folder as your YAML. It’ll give you a hint toward where you have issues, especially if the UI won’t start.

Thanks, you were right, i removed the alias and put lower case as you suggested and it works.

I got it to work after rebooting a few time… When I get a disarm message it will say “Alarm is disarm someone disarm the alarm”

is these anyway to add family members so it knows who arm it and who disarm it.

I copied this from your earlier post
message: Alarm is disarm
{% if states.sensor.home_alarm_keypad.attributes.last_changed_by_user %}{{ [“Scott”,“Wife”,“Son”,“Daughter”][states.sensor.home_alarm_keypad.attributes.last_changed_by_user - 1] }}{%
else %}Someone{% endif %} disarmed the alarm
under groups: I have my S5 for tracking, I try to replace the names you have with S5 but it did not work
any help thanks

This depends on a couple of things. First, when you check your sensor.home_alarm_keypad, does it have an attribute of last_changed_by_user? This behavior isn’t in the base code you get with a normal install - you’ll have to manually add code right now (see earlier in this thread) until the code in HASS reflects the new updates (@Cinntax any ETA on this?)

Also - the list I have here isn’t going to interact with any tracking code in HASS. The list ([“Scott”,…]) matches the entries I’ve made in my DSC panel - when you look at codes in my panel, mine is first, then my wife’s, etc. I’m using the last_changed_by_user attribute as an index for this list.

I recently got an Envisalink EVL-4CG from amazon. I hooked it up and everything seems to be working correctly from their webpage. I’m able to arm the system, but the status stays disarmed and therefore I cannot disarm the system via home assistant. The zones seem to be working. I’m fairly new to HA and trying to move over from ST so any help would be appreciated.

panel_type: DSC
user_name: user
password: user
code: !secret
port: 4025
evl_version: 4
keepalive_interval: 60
zonedump_interval: 30
panic_type: Police
name: ‘Main Doors’
type: ‘opening’
name: ‘zone 2’
type: ‘opening’
name: ‘zone 3’
type: ‘opening’
name: ‘zone 4’
type: ‘opening’
name: ‘zone 5’
type: ‘opening’
name: ‘upstairs’
type: ‘opening’
name: ‘Home Alarm’

The change to pyenvisalink is already done and released. The problem were having at the moment is that @jnimmo pull request has a number of other changes/fixes in it, and some of those changes are being challenged by some of the other developers.

I’ve been pretty busy lately, and haven’t been following very closely- @jnimmo need any help getting your pull request accepted?

Thanks for the update. I’m manually pasting-in the handler for code 700/750 each time I upgrade so that I keep the “last_changed_by_user” functionality.

under Attributes: changed_by is only showed under
alarm_control_panel.home_alarm and it say changed_by: null

Like I mentioned - that update requires code from earlier in this thread.
I’m unclear about when it’ll show up in what you get when you install HASS. @Cinntax pointed out that we’re waiting for some updates by @jnimmo to clear - I think that might be holding things up.

ok thanks for the info

Anyone have any alarm automatons
examples they like to share, I have 2 from this treat already.
I just like to know what others are doing with alarm animations within HA and what all it can do