DSMR unknown reading

Hi Guys,

Today I put the P1 cable in my DSMR and added the sensor to my configuration. Now the problem Im having is that I see all the sensors but with an value of “unknown”. I think I see the sensor because I added the component.

If I SSH into my HASSIO, I can see the p1 kabel on the ttyUSB0. But still no readings.

Any ideas?


I’m having exactly the same problem, moved my working setup from homeassistant on ubuntu to hassio on raspberry pi, /dev/ttyUSB0 is available and all sensors stay at Unknown.

Same here after migrating from a Pi to a NUC. Any ideas?

I managed to solve, the /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1 where switched (I use another one for rfxtrx). Sometimes things can be pretty simple…

Hi, I have the same issue here.

I own a KAIFA slimme meter E0027 and I bought myself a p1 cable.
In the hardware section (supervisor/system/hardware) I see a serial named: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AK4LV95K-if00-port0
And I connected the other end to the meter.

In my sensor file I have:

- platform: dsmr
  port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AK4LV95K-if00-port0

All my meter readings show the value: Unknown for my slimme meter.
I tried different version numbers in the sensor file, but without any luck.

Is there a way to see the raw data to see it collecting data? I use Home Assistant (hassio).
Or am I doing something wrong? Am I missing something?

The log file /config/home-assistant.log isn’t giving me any errors.


I looked again at my meter, it’s a Kaifa E0027, that’s not in the supported list at the moment.

Is there a way I can give info about my meter so it can be supported in the feature?

Is there anybody who has this meter working? How can I see if the cable is working? I want to make this work, so any help is appreciated.

+1 having the same issue as OP

It’s been a while, but I bought myself a different cable from sossolutions (not at AliE.) and that one worked fine.