Every few days the HomeAssistant addon for DuckDns does
not update my current ip adress.
E.g. my fritzbox says I got a new IP adress at 7 and it is 11 and my domain
has still the old IP adress. Even if I restart the addon there is no change.
The strange thing is, that the logfile of the addon says all 5 min (300s update cycle):
[10:57:47] INFO: OK
The only way to solve the issue is,
to get a new IP adress by reconnecting my fritzbox to the internet again
and restart the duckdns addon. (or may it also works without restart duckdns)
Then the logfile finally says
and I can reach my HA again
Has someone the same issues?
In the past I used the fritzbox itself to update the IP with another dyndns provider, which was working without problems. But I dont know if it is complicated to configure to update the SSL certificate by the fritzbox