DuckDNS Addon IP adress is often not updated

Every few days the HomeAssistant addon for DuckDns does
not update my current ip adress.

E.g. my fritzbox says I got a new IP adress at 7 and it is 11 and my domain
has still the old IP adress. Even if I restart the addon there is no change.
The strange thing is, that the logfile of the addon says all 5 min (300s update cycle):

[10:57:47] INFO: OK

The only way to solve the issue is,
to get a new IP adress by reconnecting my fritzbox to the internet again
and restart the duckdns addon. (or may it also works without restart duckdns)
Then the logfile finally says
and I can reach my HA again

Has someone the same issues?

In the past I used the fritzbox itself to update the IP with another dyndns provider, which was working without problems. But I dont know if it is complicated to configure to update the SSL certificate by the fritzbox

Meanwhile the described issue happens every day, so I rather let my router change the IP adress of duckdns and start the addon manually from time to time to renew the certificate.

Any ideas how to solve it?
Any logfiles needed for further clarification?

Thx in advance

Most likely it has something to do with “DHCP lease time” of the open connection of the addon.
I’m not to much into it and dont know why the DuckDNS addon not always created a new connection.

I have not solved the general problem, but I have found a workaround for me, by manually reconnect my internet connection at my router with an automation.