DuckDNS error on generating certificates

Hi all,
My first post in this forum. Ik try to set up SSL. My DuckDNS is working fine. I am able to reach my HA outside the LAN, but the add-on gives an error on startup

Processing …

Consequence is that my configuration.yaml is giving an error on the location of the certificates (the PEM files) and so I am not able to activate SSL.

I have tried reinstalling duckDNS, flushing the DNS, but it doesn’t seem to work. Any suggestions?

Check your DNS server settings.

Thanks for your quick response. How should I check DNS server? On HA (via SSH terminal: HA DNS Info?) and what should it be?
It gives a weird host

 - dns://my router IP address
 - dns://my routers primary DNS IP address
 - dns://my routers secundairy DNS IP address
servers: []
update_available: false
version: 2020.11.0
version_latest: 2020.11.0

Solved. Have opened ports 80 and 443 from outside to the ip address of my HA in my router. Have installed Let’s encrypt as seperate add on. Configured in, got the SSL certificates. Closed the ports 80 and 443 in the router and restarted HA, then updated the configuration.yaml to enable SSL. And it worked.