Duckdns not working on local network. Certifacate issues

Hope someone can help, I have searched the forum and found nothing that has helped.


I have been running duckdns for over a year now with no issues. I have recently changed hardware and the IP address has changed. I can now no longer access HA from the duckdns address in my local network. I get the HA logo and " Unable to connect to Home Assistant.

Retrying in -246 seconds…" so it is seeing the server but something is not allowing the duckdns address. It works as normal from outside my local network on the mobiles. If I copy my external IP address from duckdns and use that instead of it logs on to HA fine.

What am I missing? tried clearing cache and stuff first as I know that is always the first move.

Though I may need to add some points which may help I run DHCP and ad blocking on pihole and HA is installed on Proxmox.

If you have pihole that you use as your dns server, you can add dns entries on pihole so that is your internal IP address and not the external one.
If you have changed your internet router it may miss the hair-pinning function which is needed to have the ducknns address working locally as well.

The router is the same and untouched. Its the hardware HA is on that has changed therefore a different IP address. Will lok at PiHole thanks

Thanks that sorted it. I had done the DNS thing in PiHole and it was set to the old IP.

Thanks again.