Is anyone else having problems with, it looks like it might be down?
Working for me.
@real_s_kelly nope all working fine here. Check your certificates or your renewal?
I get following error
>Error 503 Service Unavailable
Error 503 Service Unavailable
Yes that is what I am getting…even in a browser, maybe it is down.
me too, seems down
Working here (Australia).
From France is down (service unavailable for about 4 hours now)…
The same error from Spain
Here too. (Germany)
The error message changed from a plain 403 to the website again.
Seems to be back working for me.
Nope… down again for me
Still down over here. From what I can tell, this is about hour #14.
It’s not working for me in Ireland
Not working for me neither (Uruguay). HTTP error 503. Message: Service unavailable
Back up for me. It required a restart of my Nginix container.